A PASA is a…

Program Approved Service Agency. We are a not for profit, grassroots effort based in Centennial, Co. We provide community-based support services to individuals with different abilities. We believe in empowering our members to maximize their independence so they can lead a normal, happy, and healthy life!

We specialize in so many things…

“We love getting meals to people who can’t always get out to do it themselves.” -Ryan

Community Connections

We volunteer for the following:

  • Aurora Parks and Recreations

  • Arapahoe Libraries

  • Meals On Wheels

  • Snow Busters

Ryan and Sean rockin’ it at Mod Pizza.

Supported Employment

We hold jobs at the following:

  • MOD Pizza

  • Argus

  • Dick’s Sporting Goods

  • Arapahoe Library District

Health & Fitness

We stay fit and healthy doing the following:

  • Boxing

  • Hiking

  • Running

  • Walking

  • Cycling

  • Basketball

  • Soccer

  • YMCA

  • Yoga

  • Paddle boarding and Kayaking

  • Flying drones

  • Playing drums, keyboard and guitar

  • Golf

 Meals On Wheels Delivered Since

September 18, 2020 3,685

Last updated July 15, 2024

We love delivering meals so much we added a 2nd route. Route 2 meals delivered as of August 30,2024 275


Aurora Parks and Recreation

Volunteer Trail Stewards

352 pounds

of Trash Collected From

Within Our Community

Parks and Trails

since August 26, 2021

updated February 7,2024


The Sean and Josh Band

Two of our colleagues make some of the best music you’ll hear on the internet. Click the button below to check out The Sean and Josh Band streaming on YouTube!

Different Abilities

We all have abilities. Some are just different than others. Just because something is different does not mean it’s bad. In our case, being different is what makes us great!


Collin takes the Photo

Another one of our colleagues enjoys shooting photography! Collin is super talented.


Empowering the mind and body of all people

All Abilities Matter


Ryan Tells It Like It Is

Ryan is an advocate. He advocates from himself. He advocates for his family. Ryan is an advocate for all people of all abilities. Ryan believes in standing up for what is right